Crypt-o documentation - Web interface

Web interface

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Crypt-o provides a Web interface to allow users access Crypt-o on various desktop and mobile systems using a Web browser.

By default Crypt-o Web interface is turned off. To enable and configure Crypt-o Web interface, open the Crypt-o system options on the Web interface page.


Crypt-o Web interface is essentially a cross-platform Web application. To run it as the application you need to open the Web interface in Chrome or Safari and add a link to the Home screen/Desktop. When you click/tap the link, Crypt-o will run as the web application.

Crypt-o Web interface running on iPhone as Web application and on a desktop in a browser


It is possible to customize the Web interface for your needs.


First create a user sub-folder in the web folder inside the installation folder of Crypt-o Server.


To add a custom styling, create the user.css file in the user folder. Then add your custom CSS rules to this file.
To add a custom logo to the main page, put the clogo.png file to the user folder.
To replace a standard image,  put the image file with the same name as the standard image to the user folder.


If you do the customization using this approach, it will be preserved during updates of Crypt-o.

URL query parameters

The following URL query parameters can be used in Crypt-o Web interface:





Use this parameter to specify a full path to a folder to be opened. Specify a database name as the first element of the path. Use \ as the path delimiter.

Example: https:\\ database\Employees\Sales and Marketing


Use this parameter to specify a title of a record to be opened. You need to provide the folder parameter in order to specify a folder where the record is located.

Example: https:\\ database\Employees\Sales and Marketing&record=Luke


Crypt-o Web interface should properly work in any modern HTML5-capable web browser.


The following Web browsers were tested:


Desktop systems

Internet Explorer 9+
Firefox 52+
Chrome 49+
Opera 15+


Mobile systems

Mobile Safari on iOS 7.1+ (iPhone/iPad)
Default web browser on Android 2.3+
Mobile Chrome 49+ on Android and iOS