Group Policy Administrative Template |
Using the Crypt-o Group Policy Administrative Template, you can set different Crypt-o settings for all users within a Windows domain.
The Crypt-o Administrative Template file Crypt-o.adm can be found in the Crypt-o Server installation folder in the Policy sub-folder. The Crypt-o Administrative Template in the ADMX format can be found in the Policy\admx sub-folder.
To install the ADM template, open Group Policy Editor for your domain and add the Crypt-o Administrative Template file Crypt-o.adm to the User configuration section.
To install the ADMX template, copy the Crypt-o.admx file and the en-us folder to the Central Store of your domain. Then use the Group Policy tools to setup the settings.
The description of each option can be found in Group Policy Editor on the Explain page.