Crypt-o documentation - Setup program's command line parameters

Setup program's command line parameters

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Crypt-o setup program's command line parameters can be used for an unattended installation.

The following command line parameters are valid for the .EXE setup package. To pass parameters to the .MSI setup package you need to specify these parameters as the CMDLINE property. See the examples below for more information.



Instructs Setup to be silent or very silent. When Setup is silent the wizard is not displayed but the installation progress window is. When a setup is very silent this installation progress window is not displayed.



Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified.


/GROUP="folder name"

Overrides the default folder name displayed on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page.


/TYPE=type name

Overrides the default setup type. If the specified type exists and isn't a custom type, then any /COMPONENTS parameter will be ignored.

The following setup types can be used: full, client.

Default: full.


/COMPONENTS="comma separated list of component names"

Overrides the default component settings. Only the specified components will be selected; the rest will be deselected.

The following component names can be used: Client, Server, API, Help.


/TASKS="comma separated list of task names"

Specifies a list of tasks that should be initially selected. Only the specified tasks will be selected; the rest will be deselected.

The following task names can be used:

integration - integrate Crypt-o Client with Internet browsers;
firewall - add an exception for Crypt-o to the Windows Firewall;
desktopicon - create a desktop icon;
quicklaunchicon - create a quick launch icon;
iconscommon - create program's shortcuts for all users;
iconsuser - create program's shortcuts for the current user only.

Default: "integration,firewall,desktopicon,iconscommon"


/SERVER=server name

A host name or IP address of a computer where Crypt-o Server is running.


/FINGERPRINT=server fingerprint

An TLS fingerprint of Crypt-o Server.



A TCP port number of Crypt-o Server. Default: 24780.



Instructs Setup not to reboot even if it's necessary.



How to silently install the Crypt-o client with desired connection parameters using the .EXE setup:




How to do the same setup using the .MSI package: